Comparison of prices

Compare brokers and their prices

We have consistently expanded our trading services for you since 2001. By using innovations and an efficient trading platform (ATS), you can trade at more than 120 stock exchanges around the world and round the clock in 24 countries in a matter of seconds.

Whether you are a professional trader, a premium trader or an occasional trader or a newcomer, you obtain the best possible, low-cost trading conditions at Agora direct. You are also eligible for extensive free and individual support on stock market trading days.

Broker comparison - fee comparison

We have consistently expanded our trading services for you since 1999. By using innovations and the efficient trading platforms "Trading" for PC and "AGORA Trader" for mobile access via smart phone or tablet, you can trade at more than 125 stock exchanges around the world and round the clock in 24 countries in a matter of seconds.

Whether you are a professional trader, a premium trader or an occasional trader or a newcomer, you obtain the best possible, low-cost trading conditions at AGORA direct(TM). You are also eligible for extensive free and individual support on stock market trading days.

Many independent broker comparisons only make use of the net prices published by brokers/banks for comparison purposes. However, the total costs to be paid by the customer also include trading fees, stock exchange fees and other third-party fees, and these are often disregarded.

We have made every effort in the aforementioned comparison of prices to determine and contrast genuine prices. AGORA direct ™ trading fees in comparison with selected well-known providers:

Status of 01.10.2019AGORA directcomdirectConsorsDeut. BankFlataxINGLynxmaxblueOnVistaSBrokerTargo
Stocks Xetra 3.000 € additional costs included3,85 €14,90 €16,40 €32,00 €8,31 €14,97 €5,80 €10,90 €7,75 €13,97 €13,24 €
Stocks US Stock exchange $3,000 (150 pieces)2,19 €14,70 €28,07 €42,20 €15,90 €24,20 €4,53 €23,50 €15,00 €23,98 €19,99 €
Stock Option EUREX1,95 €19,00 €19,50 €40,00 €××2,00 €×12,50 €××
Stock Option US3,10 €××45,00 €××3,50 €××××
MINI-DAX-Futures EUREX0,95 €×1,25 €100,00 €××2,00 €×3,25 €××
Futures US (DowJones)2,33 €×××××4,00 €××××
Stocks-CFD EUR 5,900 €4,75 €5,90 €9,95 €×5,00 €×5,90 €×9,30 €8,99 €×
ETF - Order 3,000 €4,54 €14,90 €13,95 €32,00 €8,31 €14,97 €5,80 €10,90 €7,75 €13,97 €13,24 €
OS or certificate EUWAX 1,000 €6,00 €12,40 €16,40 €24,50 €15,90 €7,40 €8,00 €13,00 €8,49 €9,98 €12,40 €
Foreign exchange 50,000 USD/EUR4,50 €500,00 €19,95 €250,00 €200,00 €125,00 €4,00 €250,00 €250,00 €×1000,- €
WTI crude oil contract $ 38,0002,33 €×××××3,50 €××××
X = are not tradable at the provider according to respective price list products
On average Agora direct is approx. 91.35% cheaper

AGORA direct is on average approximately 91.35% cheaper then randomly selected providers. International live trading is available for you via AGORA direct(TM) at more than 125 trading places e.g. in Japan, China, Australia, Europe, Great Britain, Canada etc. The fees have been converted into euros to provide a better comparison.

The fees from the German comparison (the lower table) date from 1 October 2019 and have been taken from the aforementioned companies’ websites. Please note: Providers listed here possibly charge other fees or reduce them. Supporting documents on statements and statistical materials can be made available on request.

Special conditions like discounts or advertising campaigns with a set time limit have not been taken into account for reasons of fair comparability. Basically, AGORA direct ™ has determined the data to the best of its knowledge, belief and due diligence. However, no guarantee can be given for the accuracy and completeness. AGORA direct ™ is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the usual trading hours.

Contact Please note

If you have any questions or require some explanation, please contact us on stock exchange trading days on the following number: +49 (030) 789 59 75 - 0 or make use of our contact form.

Please note

None of the details provided here are binding. The prices and performance of the products on offer may change, particularly if the services of third parties change. These changes may be passed on to the users. The transaction fees are directly charged by the broker managing the account when handling the trading account (further details available under Application for opening an account). Agora direct and its cooperation partners receive a commission share in the form of retrocession. The amount is governed by the type and scope of the stock exchange products that have been traded.

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